Jude 1:1-13 NKJV
Jude writes to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. Believers in Christ are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ (1). But men had crept into the church who turned God’s grace into license for lewdness. They mistook the forgiveness of sins as the freedom to continue to sin. But the gospel not only forgives sins. It also gives the Holy Spirit to transform believers into new men and women who die to sin every day and live to righteousness. To willfully continue in one’s sins after having received God’s grace is to believe in a different christ who is not the true Christ.
Jude reminds us that those who follow this course will be punished. He gives three examples. After being delivered from slavery to Pharaoh, many Israelites succumbed to this false belief and were destroyed. Although created holy, many angels rebelled against the Lord’s authority. Those who rebelled now await their eternal punishment. Although God revealed His will for human sexuality in nature, the men of Sodom and Gomorrah gave themselves over to sexual immorality and homosexuality and were punished, not only with physical destruction, but “the vengeance of eternal fire (7). Like the idolaters of ancient Israel and the men of Sodom, the false teachers defiled the flesh by encouraging sexual immorality of all kinds. Like the rebellious angels, the false teachers reject authority and speak evil of earthly rulers. Even the example of the archangel Michael condemns them, for although an archangel, he refused to revile Satan himself, but implored the Lord to rebuke the devil. Those who change the gospel into license to sin are clouds without water, trees without fruit, and wandering stars that cannot guide others to everlasting life.
Only the gospel once delivered to the saints does that. The gospel brings the forgiveness of sins. It also brings the Holy Spirit so that we might forsake our sins and begin to live new lives and look forward to the next life in which the Spirit will perfect us in righteousness and holiness.
Let us pray: Give us Your Holy Spirit, O Lord, that we may live in repentance for our sins, joyful confidence in Your forgiveness, and good works according to Your will. Amen.