Psalm 78:56-72 NKJV 56 Yet they tested and provoked the Most High God,
And did not keep His testimonies,
57 But turned back and acted unfaithfully like their fathers;
They were turned aside like a deceitful bow.
58 For they provoked Him to anger with their high places,
And moved Him to jealousy with their carved images.
59 When God heard this, He was furious,
And greatly abhorred Israel,
60 So that He forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh,
The tent He had placed among men,
61 And delivered His strength into captivity,
And His glory into the enemy’s hand.
62 He also gave His people over to the sword,
And was furious with His inheritance.
63 The fire consumed their young men,
And their maidens were not given in marriage.
64 Their priests fell by the sword,
And their widows made no lamentation.
65 Then the Lord awoke as from sleep,
Like a mighty man who shouts because of wine.
66 And He beat back His enemies;
He put them to a perpetual reproach.
67 Moreover He rejected the tent of Joseph,
And did not choose the tribe of Ephraim,
68 But chose the tribe of Judah,
Mount Zion which He loved.
69 And He built His sanctuary like the heights,
Like the earth which He has established forever.
70 He also chose David His servant,
And took him from the sheepfolds;
71 From following the ewes that had young He brought him,
To shepherd Jacob His people,
And Israel His inheritance.
72 So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart,
And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.
As was concluded on Sunday’s devotion regarding this same psalm — the story in this psalm is our own, so we are wise to carefully ponder it. What exactly is God bringing us to be reminded of, and taught? The words of 1 Corinthians 10 ring out, “whoever thinks that he stands, take heed lest he fall.” It is not enough to begin to believe, to hear the Gospel, to receive the Sacraments, and to be given spiritual goods, but rather to know that they must also abide in the faith and confession of the Gospel and in a godly life until the end.
With a mighty hand God brought them out of Egypt through the Red Sea, and through the wilderness. Yet, out of 600,000 men, no more than Joshua and Caleb came into the Promised Land. The rest died in the wilderness. What was the reason? They did not abide in the faith which they received but fell into various great sins through unbelief.
Five great sins can be remembered: 1) Lust: God gave them their desire and sent them enough until they loathed it. 2) Idolatry: They made a calf and exchanged God’s glory for the likened of an ox that eats grass. 3) Sexual immorality: they joined themselves to the Baal Peor. 4) Tempted God: demanding food for their soul. And 5) Murmuring against God: they did not obey the voice of the Lord.
Did God strike back? Without a doubt. 1) While they were still eating, the anger of God slewed the chief and struck down the choice men of Israel. 2) 3,000 men were slain because of idolatry. 3) 24,000 were slain because of sexual immorality. 4) The Lord sent serpents because of their tempting of God; and many died. And 5) nearly 15,000 died for their murmuring.
The Israelite’s flesh-inclined pilgrimage should create fear within our own weak flesh, knowing the Judgement Seat of God awaits us. Thankfully, His Word and Sacraments send us to His Mercy Seat who is Christ Jesus. Only through faith in Him comes forgiveness, the Christian life, and salvation.
Let us pray: Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word. Amen.